Mincape , it's the guarantee of a certified mineralogical and chemical analysis meeting the international standards | Mincape in Morocco

ICP-AES, ICP-MS, Chromatography, Atomic absorption
Mineral analysis

  • Base metals (Pb, Zn, Cu…)
  • Precious metals (Gold, Ag…)
  • Industrial minerals (Ba, F…)
  • Oxides (FeO, SiO2, CaO…)

Water analysis

  • Sulfates / Nitrates…
  • Chlorides / Phosphates…
  • Mercides / Cyanides…
  • pH, BOD, COD…

Soil analysis

  • NPK, pH, Trace elements
  • Metal trace elements
  • Hydrocarbons, Dioxins
  • PCB…

Finally in Morocco !
State of the art automated mineralogy for optimal ore processing
Control your process plant using state-of-the-art analytical technology
Modal Mineralogy
Chemical Assay
Element Deportment
Mineral Liberation and Association
Years of experience


Years of experience

Samples analyzed


Samples analyzed

Surveyed Mining Sites


Surveyed Mining Sites

Hours Training Data


Hours Training Data

Mining Environment, an expertise that sets us apart
With 20 years of experience in environmental assessment and mine site rehabilitation
Static and Kinetic Test
Reuse, Circular Economy…

Our Experts

Our References